The newest buzzword to hit the marketing world is “Web 2.0”. With the explosion in popularity of FaceBook, MySpace and YouTube, marketers are scratching their heads at how to effectively and efficiently utilize this phenomenon for their clients.
The fact is that user generated content (UGC) makes it possible for consumers to own your brand. For many businesses, this is a scary proposition. Many of our own clients are afraid to hand their customers the keys to the car. While this is understandable, it is the brands that are adopted, blogged about or parodied the most that will win because they are the ones most involved in the pop culture.
To be successful, brands must learn how to embrace the idea of user generated content, not shut it out. Many popular brands are figuring this out. In fact, one of our most recent clients is a perfect example of a brand that understands the power of UGC and has utilized blogs, reader reviews, user generated videos and photographs to build the most viewed network of golf related websites in the world. You can check out their primary site at