Image of a key with "words" under it

Facebook Ditches the Bing Search Results, Ramps up Graph Search

Have you noticed anything different in your Facebook Search results lately?

If you are a regular user of Facebook Search, then you have probably been wondering where the Bing! Search results have disappeared. Or maybe you were one of the many users who were glad to see them go, in which case, Facebook actually listened to your cries of frustration.

The official announcement of the changes cited feedback they received from users for the updates. As part of an improvement in search, Facebook has removed the Web search results and added the ability for users to find “Any post you’ve seen before on Facebook,” by searching the words in the post.

And it only makes sense, right? How many times have you seen something in your newsfeed you want to share later, but you can’t remember when you saw it or who originally shared it? You are not alone.

Facebook has always had an eye on Web search, launching the Beta Graph Search at the beginning of 2013. Taking a hint from Google, Facebook sought to customize search options on the social network, based on your own connections and interests.

Also with this latest update, search has been expanded further, allowing users a quicker way to sift through specific posts by friends. For example, if you were planning a trip to Hawaii, you can search “Friends who have been to Hawaii,” and Facebook will provide you a list of your friends who have checked into places in Hawaii. After all, friends are the best sources for vacation advice.

Looking for a recipe one of your friends posted months ago? You can now search for the name of the recipe and the name of your friend to find it.

This recent update also included better search results on mobile. With the ever-increasing use of smart phones for surfing the web, it only makes sense that Facebook would implement all of these new changes for desktop and mobile.

With Facebook taking an even more serious focus on search, we can probably expect to see more updates in the near future.

Are you a fan of the recent Facebook Search changes? Tell us your favorite way to use the new features in the comments below!
