Is mobile marketing the next big thing? Can it be as big as the Internet was in the early 2000’s? Well, consider this, worldwide, there are more digital mobile phones than televisions and PCs combined. According to A.T. Kearney/University of Cambridge, more than half of mobile handsets are less than a year old and most of them have full Internet capabilities. Further, smartphone sales (Blackberry’s, Palm’s, iPhone’s) have grown 165% this year alone in the U.S, which means that the mobile platform and the traditional wireless consumer is becoming more sophisticated and has access to better technology and a quality signal to surf the mobile web from their handset. 30 million people in the U.S will access the web from their mobile devices this year, already representing 1/5th of those consumers that access the web from their PC. The opportunities to market to this audience using SMS, dotMobi designed websites and special promotions are endless. Stay tuned as we continue to explore ways to utilize this exciting new platform.