In March 2012, Taco Bell partnered up with Doritos to create the Locos Taco. Today there have been over 600 million sold, and it is has been one of the most successful products at the fast food chain. First, they came out with the Nacho Cheese DLT (Doritos Locos Taco) and later it was the Cool Ranch. Recently, there had been rumors about a third flavor coming out. Available starting Thursday, Aug. 22, customers will be able to try the new Fiery Doritos Locos Taco.
Taco Bell has always been up to date with their Social Media efforts and when it comes to launch of the new taco they aren’t missing a beat. Their Twitter page has already been updated with a new and catchy cover photo. It is simple, yet gets the message across to customers. The cover photo reveals the flavor of the new DLT and the earliest date you can try them out.
Facebook, like Twitter also updated their cover photo, but included a hashtag for fans to spread the word of the new flavor. They also posted an image with the caption, Get Fiery DLT early. 8.19.13. If you look across the social platforms YouTube, Vine and Instagram are also playing their parts for the launch. Fans have been posting comical videos of what the new fiery Doritos loco tacos will be like. Some include fans lighting a taco on fire, having a secret reveal and being in love with the new flavor.
At the end of the day the launch of the new taco goes to show that social media plays a key role in today’s society. At The Brandon Agency we couldn’t be happier to see how consumers are interacting with Taco Bell and using multiple social platforms to do so. Social media has become the new way of communication for almost any brand.
What is your business doing to keep up with their social media efforts?
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